general equilibrium

英 [ˈdʒenrəl ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm] 美 [ˈdʒenrəl ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm]

n.  全面均衡,综合平衡



  1. Walras'law was introduced as a theoretical answer to the problem of determining the solutions in general equilibrium.
  2. In a general equilibrium model, a tax on a single factor in its use only in a particular sector can affect the returns to all factors in all sectors.
  3. General equilibrium and asset pricing for proportional frictional financial markets;
  4. Chen Yun's Thought of General Equilibrium and Planned, Proportionate Development of Economy
  5. This comment relates to another point I would make about general equilibrium; not only has it never existed, and is not an operational concept, but also it could not conceivably exist.
  6. Their thinking was embodied in a new genre of working models of the economy, called "dynamic stochastic general equilibrium"( DSGE) models.
  7. Based upon a comprehensive study of the various methods of slices for slope stability analysis, the general equilibrium equations have been put forward.
  8. A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium ( CGE) Model is constructed to evaluate quantitatively economic consequences of Industrial Revitalization's productivity changes.
  9. General equilibrium theory is the most important part of modem economics and analysis method, and solving the general equilibrium is the foundation of economic analysis.
  10. The Abstract Space of Existence of General Equilibrium
  11. The central topic of this course is the theory of general equilibrium and its applications and extensions.
  12. In this paper, we study a class of generalized nonlinear mixed equilibrium problems which are new, also study mixed general equilibrium problems and multivalued equilibrium problems.
  13. Achieving general equilibrium market is the basic aim of macro-economic regulation.
  14. In the 1970s, he revelled in the complex economic models that were the foundation of the so-called dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models now ubiquitous in central bank decision making.
  15. By constructing a dynamic general equilibrium model, this paper tries to inquire a possible mechanism that the short-run aggregate demand shock may affect the long-run growth.
  16. The first half of the semester is an introduction to the techniques and the applications of dynamic general equilibrium models, with particular emphasis on models of economic growth.
  17. Change in determinants of general equilibrium
  18. This orthodoxy has emerged for good reason: economists have made genuine scientific breakthroughs, such as general equilibrium theory, game theory, portfolio optimisation and derivatives pricing models.
  19. The Study of the International Capital Flow upon the Perspective of the General Equilibrium Theory
  20. General equilibrium incidence analysis often employs a two-sector, two-factor model.
  21. To look at the impacts on women, one logical approach is to use a computable general equilibrium model that tracks economic impacts of new crops and how patterns of trade and substitution will change.
  22. The tenability of "Walras's law" is the prerequisite of general equilibrium, and the tenability of the law is the result of the aggregate of individual budget.
  23. An Empirical Study of Short Term Interest Rate Dynamic Process under the General Equilibrium Framework
  24. And the game theory is first used in deriving the general equilibrium conditions of passenger satisfaction with rail passenger service.
  25. Hence, a money economy, at least, could not be in general equilibrium.
  26. The General Equilibrium Effect of Real-estate Price Fluctuation on Macroeconomic
  27. This paper analyzes the relations among rank of hospital, household's moral hazard and optimal public health insurance contracts by forming a general equilibrium model of medical service system.
  28. General Equilibrium Analysis of Prices and Exchange Rate: An Explanation for Internal Devaluation and External Appreciation of RMB
  29. Combined with the character of the studying subject, we use Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium ( DSGE) model which is popular in macroeconomic study to analyze the problem.
  30. Modeling Principles 、 Parameter Estimation Methods and Applications of Computable General Equilibrium Model